Thursday, April 10, 2008

House Update

So scratch the last post. After thinking about it, we were definitely biting off more than we could chew with those houses. We went out again and looked at some more, some scarier than others. Note to self, at least watch a how-to video before attempting doing a tiled tub.

We put in an offer yesterday on a nice house pretty close to our apartment (but far enough away from the scary people). It's a single story 3 bed 2 bath. It's a cute house with a lot of potential. If it doesn't work out... guess we can always get a trailer and live in Dayton State Park.


The Gang! said...

You are so funny!:) I'd like to see you in Dayton State Park. I'll contribute a welcome mat and I will dig a hole for a bath!HA! HA! Good luck on the house!

Leslie said...

You could always live in Grass Valley too... and I don't mean Grass Valley, CA.

Leslie said...

P.S. Maybe I should start a blog about my life with Dave and Danny. Do you think people would read it?