Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Although we all are still recovering from a nasty cold virus, we had a great Easter. The Easter bunny brought Max some toys to use in his sandbox. He was excited about most of it except for the plastic bendable bunnies. I'm not sure why he hates them so much, but he immediately chucks them across the room as soon as he sees them. Which we learned when he threw them over the pews at church... along with his juice. Thankfully, no one was sitting immediately in front of us!
After church we went to the Pyrahs' for a yummy dinner and Easter egg hunt. Max opted out for the rocks instead of Easter eggs, much to Joey's dismay. Joey was counting on eating all of Max's candy.


Leslie said...

Isn't his freshly groomed hair precious...

Heather's Pink said...

Dan says you look cute with your prego belly. We keep forgetting you are expecting. I am sure you don't.