Thursday, August 28, 2008

Petroleum Jelly


Yesterday I was cleaning the kitchen when I realized things had gotten quiet...a little too quiet. Max was babbling to himself in his room happily and I was grateful he was discovering on his own. I didn't want to interrupt this because I don't want to encourage the clinginess he's developed lately. Then I realized he must be into something or else he wouldn't be so content. I turned the corner to find him with both hands in the petroleum jelly jar! (didn't even know we still had it) His feet were covered in the goop so he must have stuck those in there too. I gasped and startled him, which made him fling the slimy stuff. He then looked at me and gave me a nervous laugh and some flimsy gibberish explanation.

The sad part of this story was I was more concerned that he had gotten the grease into the new carpet rather than him ingesting it. Luckily his face didn't seem glossy so I don't think he ate any... Although, his lips were very luscious and shiny the rest of the day and his hands and feet were super soft.

P.S. Searching for images of "petroleum jelly" is NOT a good idea and produces many unwanted images!!


Heather's Pink said...
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Heather's Pink said...

Thanks for warning since I am always looking for images of petroleum jelly.

It kind of reminds me of a song...

I know a girl who thinks of ghosts
Shell make ya breakfast
Shell make ya toast
She dont use butter
She dont use cheese
She dont use jelly
Or any of these
She uses vaseline

He doesn't happen to like toast does he?

jessica said...

You have the next Vaseline poster child...wahoo you'll be rich.

willblatt said...

@heather's pink:
Nice Flaming Lips reference! Time to dig them up in the ol' ipod.

heatlight said...

Uhh... fyi that song is on the playlist of my blog.

Jen Johnson said...

That's awesome! I love that boy! I can't believe how fun he is becoming! He is turning into a little boy! Very cute!

The Hunters said...

My mom likes to tell the story about the time my brother coated my entire body in Crisco. What is it with kids and rubbing nasty greasy substances all over their bodies?!

Unknown said...

isnt it always scary when they are quiet? you never know what they are getting into. ellie's slimy substance of choice is crisco shortening. except that she gets most of it in her mouth:P